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School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University purchased two sets of five rose bit sterile glass fermenter

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School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University purchased two sets of five rose bit sterile glass fermenter

Date:2011-06-01 00:00 Source:http://m.ziyangtouch.com Click:

       May 10, 2011, Tianjin Institute of scientific techniques taught to buy a hundred Lunke from 5 liters of 15-bit sterile glass arm mechanical agitation fermentor, this set of equipment. Our company is in full accordance with the famous German brand fermenter design dimensions production, simple structure, easy operation, good heat and mass transfer effects, in line with the principles of fluid mechanics agitation, hoping to give Tianjin University of Technology professors PubMed bring some results, we also hope to make further improvements in terms of unreasonable.

Related Tags:Solidfermenter