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National Biological Laboratory Reactor East China University signed a five-bit sterile glass from 5 liters fermentor

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National Biological Laboratory Reactor East China University signed a five-bit sterile glass from 5 liters fermentor

Date:2012-05-11 00:00 Source:http://m.ziyangtouch.com Click:

           May  8 countries bioreactor East China University professor line 3 to Lun  Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Brilliance purchase inspection, were  studied our self-developed 0.5-liter inline six-shaker -2 liter  bioreactor and I four  forms of off-site company sterilized glass fermenter (respectively from  bit sterile stainless steel mechanical agitation tank bottom jacketed  glass fermenter model BLBIO-XGJ, off-site sterilization magnetically  stirred stainless steel tank bottom jacketed glass fermenter Model  BLBIO-XGC, off-site sterilization mechanical stirring arm full glass  glass fermenter model BLBIO-XGJG, off-site sterilization mechanical  stirring arms full glass glass fermenter model BLBIO-XGJGG), through  on-site comparison and East China University Professor their  usage and process requirements, to determine the final purchase five  professors from five liters bit sterile stainless steel magnetic  stirring tank bottom jacketed glass fermenter model BLBIO-5GC, because  BLBIO-5GC sterilization is without removing the motor, and no  mechanical seals, biological safety, while stirring motor is an AC  motor, you can use more than 5 years does not require maintenance, when  parting, professors of our products made many revisions and easy to  operate simple production methods, our company Inspired  by the technical staff, the last more than a hundred professors Oakland  company made a fervent hope: hope hundred Lun company's products not  only in China's institutions of higher learning in use, be sure to go to  China, as the world's biotech elite service.

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